Oct 2018
Brookside Care Home Awarded Gold in South West Bloom Awards – Business Category
We are delighted to announce that The Orders of St John Care Trust care home Brookside in Melksham has been awarded Gold in the South West in Bloom Business category for this year.

The South West in Bloom award will be presented to the Orders of St John Care Trust at the Melksham AGM in the Town Hall at 7pm on Tuesday 6th November.
Kay Rudge, Area Operations Manager for OSJCT, comments: “We are thrilled that Brookside’s beautiful gardens have been recognised by this prestigious Gold award. The residents along with Jaime Carter, the care home manager, and his team as well as our wonderful volunteers have enabled this magnificent accomplishment and we thank them all. Gardening is one of many interactive and creative activities we engage in as a Trust to help our residents achieve a happy and fulfilling life in the home. The local community is very important to us and we greatly enjoying working with everyone and value the fantastic support we receive.”
Melksham prides itself as a market town with impressive floral and garden displays winning Gold previously in The South West in Bloom competition. The importance of community and its engagement is also demonstrated here with the assistance of local volunteers and students all helping to contribute to the beautiful presentations.