We offer short care breaks for elderly people in a comfortable and friendly environment, supported by our professional team.

What is respite care?

A respite or short-term stay may be needed for a period of recovery after an operation, accident or illness, or because the person’s usual carer is on holiday or a short break.

Respite stays, by their short-term nature, can perhaps be a little daunting at first for both the resident coming to stay and their loved ones. At OSJCT, we know this, so we make every effort to make our respite residents feel welcome, happy and valued. It is not unusual for short stays to be repeated, and often our respite residents decide to stay for the longer term once they have experienced life with us here at OSJCT.

As a relative, friend or carer, you can relax knowing that your loved one or friend is in a safe, comfortable and friendly environment where they will receive high-quality care that respects their privacy and dignity.


What activities and services are included in OSJCT respite care?

At OSJCT, our approach to respite care is no different from our approach to services for our longer-term residents. We know that being able to keep up existing hobbies and interests is a great way of maintaining independence. We also believe in enabling people to try new things – it gives a great sense of achievement and often fulfils long-held ambitions to just “give it a go”.

Our respite residents can take advantage of the wealth of activities available when living with OSJCT. Residents can also receive visits from health and social and medical professionals, such as Chiropodists or GPs.

We also have a talented chef and kitchen teams who prepare tasty, home-cooked meals in every home. The freshly prepared, delicious dishes are carefully balanced for the best nutritional value and cater for individual dietary requirements and preferences.

Mum's care was excellent during the two weeks of respite she spent at Ashwood. She became calmer, happier, and her smiling face returned, which played a huge part in my brother and me deciding that Mum would have a better quality of life residing at Ashwood permanently.

Daughter of Resident, Ashwood Care Centre

Residential respite care 

What is residential respite care?  

Residential respite care is a short-term stay in one of our residential services. It is for those who require specialist care from nurses for a short period, to give their caregivers a chance to rest.

What are the benefits of residential respite care?  

Residential respite care provides carers with a break from their usual caring role and gives them an opportunity to take care of themselves and have time to themselves. It also allows the person in respite care to be looked after by a team of expert carers. They may even make new friends while enjoying trying new hobbies or enjoying old interests.


Dementia respite care 

What is dementia respite care?  

Dementia respite care provides caregivers with a temporary rest from caregiving, while the person living with dementia continues to receive care in a safe environment.

Supporting independence and families through dementia respite care

We know that living with dementia brings its own challenges, both for the person concerned and their families and friends. Rest assured, we are here to help and ensure that our residents can still enjoy an independent and fulfilling lifestyle through dementia respite care.

Families using our dementia services for respite can access our Admiral Nurses who provide specialist support for families facing dementia.

Nursing respite care

What is nursing respite care?  

Nursing respite care is temporary care for those who require specialist care from nurses for a short period, whether this is while recovering from an operation, after an accident or during an illness.

What are the benefits of nursing respite care?

Nursing respite care can give loved ones the peace of mind that the person is being cared for by registered nurses and all their needs and requirements are being met without having to stay in a hospital setting.


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Call us on: 0800 988 8133