Dec 2019
Christmas Singalong at The Coombs
The Coombs hosted a festive afternoon of Christmas singing and food
Residents, their families, the local community and the team at The Coombs spent an afternoon singing Christmas carols and eating festive treats last week.
It was a fantastically festive afternoon filled with festive songs, mince pies and plenty of laughter.
In preparation for the event, residents also spent some time making a variety of Christmas hats. The activity coordinator at The Coombs, Lyn Callow, ran the crafting activity and said: “Our residents loved making and wearing the Christmas hats. They certainly added some colour to the singalong.”
The home manager at The Coombs, Natalie Manders, added: “It was great to see everyone getting in the festive spirit at The Coombs. We love hosting events like these at The Coombs and will continue to do so in the future.”